Analyze The Original Meaning
Allows you to analyze the original meaning of the text in its historical and literary context. Exegesis looks at things like the original language, grammar, genre, background, authorship, audience, etc. This provides a solid foundation for interpretation.
Stick To The Text, Not Your Ideas!
Helps you avoid reading your own ideas into the text (eisegesis) and instead draw out the author's intended meaning. Exegesis helps you be objective and let the text speak for itself.
Understand The Original Author
Leads to more accurate interpretation and application of the text. By understanding what the original author was saying to the original audience, you can better discern how the text applies to modern readers.
Yes. Each student will be certified in homiletics.
There is no specific time limit on completion. Each student can learn at his or her own pace
Yes. You will have to purchase specific books and guides. There are certain books every preacher and teacher should have in their library