1 Day Seminar

Saturday May 18th 2024

Starting at 9am

On the registration page you can choose to attend by either In person or live stream. An email confirmation will be sent to the email you use during registration

Dr James Ford Jr

How to Prepare messages that captivates & impacts all who hear

1 Day Seminar

Saturday May 18th 2024

Starting at 9am

Register for

In Person


Live Stream

You Will Learn...

Preaching with life relevancy

Sermon Structure

Illustrations and Delivery

Title, Intro, Body, & Conclusion

Cast Your Vision Through Messaging

Grow Your Impact

Register For 1 Day Seminar

in Person or Live Stream

Pastors, Preachers & Teachers

How to Prepare messages that captivates

& impacts all who hear


On the registration page you can choose either in person or live stream. An email confirmation will be sent to the email you use during registration

Homiletics Training

Sermon Preparation

How To Illustrate

Preaching with life relevancy

Grow Your Impact

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